All amenities and facilities in the Woodlands are to be used with a homeowner or tenant present. |
Pool and Picnic Area |
Open seasonally from about Memorial Day to Labor Day, the heated 15 meter pool is surrounded by tables and chairs. Two shaded porch areas are available. An outdoor shower and restrooms are part of the pool complex.
During the season, the pool hours are 9am to 9pm. Children under 14 years of age must be accompanied at all times by an adult.
The pool is surrounded by a fence and is accessed through a locked gate. New homeowners will be issued a key to the pool gate.
Two grills, several picnic tables, and a fire pit surrounded by benches are situated in a grassy and shaded area adjacent to the pool and pool building.
The pool building also has a small meeting room with a food preparation area. This is unattended and locked separately, but it is available to homeowners upon request, see below. |
Tennis and Volleyball Courts |
The tennis court is open seasonally and is available for play on a first come first serve basis. Common courtesy rules exist: if someone is waiting to play, please use common sense and neighborly courtesy to allow all homeowners to utilize this common amenity for a reasonable length of time.
The court is surrounded by a fence and is accessed through a locked gate. New homeowners will be issued a key to the tennis court gate.
Woodlands homeowners are active in the McCall Community Tennis Association. |

Reservations |
The pool, picnic area and pool building may be reserved* for special homeowners' events or for special occasions of individual homeowners. See the Contacts page for how to get in touch with the right person to reserve these areas. See what is reserved at this time on the Calendar now.
*A reservation for these areas does not mean that the group has exclusive use of the area reserved.
McCall Area Amenities and Services** |
City of McCall offers a wealth of information about McCall schools, hospitals and government; city rules and regulations governing all homeowners, as well as links to the McCall arts events, outdoor recreation opportunities, services and web cams.
McCall Community Tennis Association has about 75 members and Woodlands homeowners are active in this association formed in 2006.
Central Idaho Mountain Biking Association (CIMBA): is a chapter of the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) and offers group rides, events, a fall mountain bike festival and opportunities to contribute to trail maintenance. Woodlands homeowners are active in this group for mountain biking enthusiasts. is McCall's guide to cross-country skiing in the area, season passes purchases, grooming reports and more!
McCall Chamber of Commerce has a business directory, events pages, activity listings and other useful information about McCall, including the Annual Winter Carnival.
In Idaho is an Idaho-based travel company with many useful activity links on their website.
The Star News is McCall's weekly newspaper.
**These are third party websites and services not under the control of the Woodlands Homeowners' Association. Therefore the WHOA makes no representation about the accuracy of the information on these websites and makes no recommendation concerning service providers. Please make an independent and fact-based decision when engaging or hiring service providers. |
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